Here are the directions to our location.
Feel free to call if you need any additional information about how to find us.

From Crossville:  We're located 3 1/2 miles South of Homestead School on Hwy 68.  Cross Daddy's Creek bridge for 3/4 mile; We're on the right. 

From Grassy Cove:  We're about 2 miles North of beautiful Grassy Cove on Hwy 68.

From I-40:
Take Exit 317 toward Crossville onto Hwy 127S.
Continue on 127S approximately 8 miles to Hwy 68 in the Homestead community.  Bear left onto Hwy 68. Meridian Baptist is about 3 1/2 miles on the Right.

From Chattanooga:
Take Hwy 27 toward Dayton, TN to Spring City.
Turn Right onto Hwy 68 to Grassy Cove, Meridian Baptist is approximately 3 miles on the Left.


Click here for the Google map.

We Look Forward to Meeting You! 

MERIDIAN BAPTIST CHURCH    3758 Hwy 68, Crossville TN 38555    CHURCH PH: 931.456.6089  FAX: 931.707.2875  EMAIL: